The Mission
Our goal is to create an event identity and trophy design that embodies the brand and personality of BPI-Philam and dramatizes the company's goal of becoming the country's leading, and undisputed insurance company in the next years to come.
The Purposeful, Playful Solution
We coined the name, "ALPHA," that from different accounts mean 'the first, or beginning,' 'the dominant one,' 'strong and powerful; in-charge,' 'the highest mark,' and 'the brightest star in the constellation.' All visuals then resembles 'being on top' - from the logo to the trophy. The trophy is a dramatization of the “highest mark” that is given to the excellent people of BPI-PHILAM. "The peak” of their careers also resembles a propeller - as a tribute to the 5 year domination plan of BPI-PHILAM’s Project Dominate-Propel.
The result is a cohesive, consistent, and timeless design of the event identity and trophy that immortalizes the visions and personality of BPI-Philam. It is now used as a standard for the annual event as it makes this tradition more meaningful and memorable.